Sunday, February 07, 2010

Finnie/Boys Testimony Frenzie

Finnie/Boys Family on a happy day.
I wont go into too much detail but Saturday wasn't one of the Finnie/Boys fun days. To be perfectly honest it was a "crap" day, which involved yelling and crying etc and to top it off I had to work that night.
Sunday was here and I love Sunday because I get to go to church and spend time in the Lords house with friends and family. Where you can go and remember our Savior and forget about the outside world for 3 hours.
I was excited because its a new month and I was teaching my primary children a new song. When I got home from work I realised that I hadn't printed the pictures for the new song but alas everyone was still asleep so I was able to quickly print cut and laminate before I heard the words "mum where is my breakfast"
Church for us starts @ 12.30 so I had time to have a quick kip. The family headed off to church and I was greeted at church by Ben who hadn't come home the previous night hence he had no church clothes on. He had on a pair of high riding white shorts and a purple tee with white slip on shoes (what a sight). He also had his sorry face on as well.
First Sunday of the month is fasting and we get to bear our testimonies. Today was no exception the previous speaker talked about the temple trip and the sealing of friends which made me reminisce about our temple trip and sealing and I knew I had to get up and share it with the congregation. Once I had finished, Stacey bore her testimony which is another whole post, but it involved her waving to her brother from the podium it was so funny. Stacey sat down and Dave got up and I thought he was going to the toilet but he went the wrong way and before I knew it he was bearing his testimony AMAZING!!! Just when you think you've seen it all something else happens Yes Ben decided to get up and bear his testimony. Trying to cover himself up with his arms he starts off with "I'm probably the least active person here today and I'm not dressed for the occasion but I want to bear my testimony.............. " His heart felt testimony was awesome and I couldn't help but forgive him for his wrong doing the night before.
The sister that followed Ben's testimony acknowledge Ben and made me and the congregation realise that life isn't perfect and that people who appear to look perfect are generally not. I can't remember word for word what she said but it was something along the lines that Jesus loves us when we do wrong he love us unconditionally. By now I was sobbing and what do you know I had to conduct the closing song which was Because I have been given much I too must give. And so the music starts along with my tears and I couldn't even see the words or sing what a MESS!!! In conclusion testimony session was definitely filled with the spirit.
PS: crying on fasting Sunday causes so much dehydration not good!!

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