Saturday, December 17, 2011

Miss Kate 2011

For the last 4 years I have been taking Master Nicholas to swimming lessons, piano lessons, coach his T-ball team, soccer and T-ball on Saturday mornings.  Miss Kate has been the passenger and attended all these events without complaint.  This year I decided it was time to Miss Kate should have an activity of her very own.  So I talked to one of the mums at school who runs a dance school.  She told me to bring Miss Kate along to give her a trial and see if she was ready.  Miss Kate was very excited and her first two trials were great she listen to her teacher and did what was asked of her.  Miss Kate loved it too.  Next step was to get her the gear.

Here is Miss Kate

Throughout 2011 every Wednesday for an hour she went off to ballet.  Parents were not allowed in the room to watch and you could never see what they were learning.  At the end of each term we would get to watch them.  It was so cute and adorable and I would always welt up watching her.  After her performance Miss Kate would ask me if I was proud of her?  Hugs and kisses and a firm YES very very proud of you.

Two weeks ago the whole dance school put on a big show it went for 2hours and Miss Kate was a star on stage.  They performed three shows over 2 days and Miss Kate insisted on being in all 3 shows.  The show was called The Wild Wild West and Miss Kate was one of the farm animals a very cute piglet.

Miss Piglet

Miss Kate & her friends 

Miss Kate is looking forward to 2012 so she can continue to dance dance dance.

Friday, December 16, 2011


As 2011 is ending I can only say I'll be glad when its over and I really hope 2012 sees a vast improvement.  This year has been in one word a DISASTER! Although, I have had a couple of wonderful things happen which has saved me from having a total break down, 2011 will be remembered for me a nightmare. 
Without disclosing to much information I made a huge MISTAKE in which I confessed to Dave.  The consequence has been so damaging that even as I write this I struggle with what our future holds together as husband wife and as a family.  The consequences has seen friendships broken, our beautiful new home sold and last but certainly not least Dave turning his back on the church.  It has caused many arguements and fights involving the police and me leaving for awhile only to return for the sake of the family.  This mistake has caused the children to see some ugly scenes and many tears by me and by them. This mistake has made me question my faith, my worth and my life. 

Can we move on from the mistake?  Time will tell.


Thursday, December 15, 2011

I'm Back

Hello followers yes its been awhile and I have missed blogging.  However I have still enjoyed reading all your stories throughout the year.

I've been otherwise occupied with life and its dramas.  Hopefully I will be able to fill you all in over the next few weeks before 2011 finishes.

So stay tuned for blog number 1.


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