Monday, April 05, 2010

Musical Fireside

Easter Sunday at church our district music leader organised a musical fireside. The theme was Women at the Well.  When I first joined the church we were going to do this theme but due to unforseen circumstances it never eventuated.  The culprit who was helping to organise it left the country for a holiday  and forgot to come back from the holiday.  Five years later the culprit returns becomes the district music leader and redeems herself by  completing the task she started 5 years ago.

Readers: Ange, Sarai, Teressa, Ata
Pianist: Awesome Joyce
Women at the Well           Singer: Annemarie
Close Enough to Touch               Anna
Daughter, Arise                            Emily
If Thou Had Been Here                Stacey & Me
Go In Peace                                  Deanna
Foolish Or Wise                           St Clair YW
Daughter                                       Everyone
Day Of Tears                                Me
Miracle From Heaven                  Ite
He Came For Me                          Kate & Mekyja
Greater Love                                 Annemarie

What a beautiful fireside everyone sang like angels and I must admit I felt my song Day of Tears went really good (I managed to keep the emotions under control). Stacey and I for the first time duet stayed on our own notes.  A huge admiration for our pianist,  Joyce,  she is amazing, learning all those songs a fantastic effort.  I love musical firesides and I especially love performing in them too.

Thanks Kate for organising such a special evening

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