Tuesday, April 20, 2010

First Day A Success

Nicholas and I approached Elmgrove and we sat in the car for a few moments. 

Me: Are you sure Nicholas?
Nicholas: Yep I'm ready
Me: Shall we have a prayer
Nicholas: Yes please mum

Once the prayer was over he jumped out of the car and we made our way to the office.  Nicholas went up to the desk and the receptionist looks up......

Nicholas: I'm back
Receptionist: Welcome back
Teacher: I know you
Nicholas: Yep I'm back

I was so proud of him. His teacher told him they had a surprise in the classroom and he went off with her without even looking back.

Whilst I filled in the enrolment form I could hear him talking to his buddy they were laughing and I felt a sense of relief.  I went into his classroom and he was happy playing with the hand puppets. The bell rang and he waved bye and sat on the mat.

After school he caught the school bus with the Mendy boys and I picked him up he was still smiling and he had had a great day YEAH!

1 comment:

Angela said...

So glad to heasr it went well.


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