Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Kiddy Treats

Chocolate/Caramel Muffins
Last year I made treats for all of Nicholas's class and this year is no exception. I finished my nightshift and went to the supermarket to get supplies. Once I had taken Nicholas to school and Kate to daycare I set about making 20 chocolate caramel muffins and decorated them with mini M&Ms. I also love to give the teacher a small something too. I made her truffles and chocolate dipped strawberries. This took me to 11.30am to complete and then I went up to catch a couple of hours sleep. When I awoke I quickly made up loot bags with the muffins and candy canes and balloons packed them in my Christmas basket to deliver them to school.

Teachers treats

A basket of treats

When I got to school the children eyes all lit up and they were very excited. Miss Lawless had the children sit in a circle and I handed out the treats. Thinking they would leave the treats til after school alas they all dived into the bags and devoured the muffin in seconds (boys mostly) the girls just picked off the m&m. Then Miss Lawless asked the children if they wanted to say anything to me. Lots of hands went up and the thanking began. I thanked them all for being such awesome children and for being Nicholas's friend. I will miss this school alot its been a special journey and I hope the next school is just as good. Look out Elmgrove here we come.

1 comment:

Angela said...

Okay...from the perspective of a mother AND a teacher, you are a rare treat! (and slightly crazy-kind).


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