Saturday, March 06, 2010

Kate 08 turns 2

Kate 08 Pretty in Pink

Our beautiful baby girls turned 2 years old today, oh my where has the time gone?  Over the last two days she has been so excited about her birthday. She even went up to Mr Tucker at school and told him "it my birthday" so random and forward.  When we asked her who's  having a birthday she placed her hand on her chest and says "me"

The past two years have been such a blessing from the day she came home from the hospital she has always been little Miss Independant, never liked sleeping with us always likes her space and her own bed.  Took to daycare very easily and moving daycare centres not a bother at all.  Unless she asks for help you don't bother trying to help.  Very particular about who kisses her and she decides who can have cuddles.  For awhile when daddy went to give her a kiss or a cuddle she would tell him "get off me" or "stop that".

Kate is very caring and motherly she is a girly girl loves her babies and dressing up in her pretty dresses.  Kate loves to sing and she quite the dancer.  Her favourite singer is Stan Walker or as she calls him "Stan the Man"  At night she loves story time her favourite stories are Billys Bucket and I Know a Rhino.  Kate loves horses and most days we go and feed carrots to them.  I'm sure she'll like her very own pony one day or we'll just send her to her Uncle Petes and Aunty Cheri who own horses.

My goal for all my children was to have them toilet trained before 2yrs.  However, I have failed miserably with Kate and so the process continues.  I suppose being little Miss Independant she will do it in her own time.

I'm not such a big fan of birthday parties.  I don't mind going to them but I hate organising them. I just get stressed out and I always worry about the food and is everyone having fun.  So I wasn't going to have a party besides she wouldn't even notice. How wrong was I? I'm sure Nicholas planted the seed but she seemed very excited about the thought of having a party.  "My party" My Birthday"  So at the last minute I texted a few close friends to come have cake and juice.

"Happy Birthday to you"
Cake time

Not too close

I did it!!!!!!

Kates friends

Kate had a great time and it wasn't stressful for me.

I look forward to many more years of fun times with baby Kate and thank Heavenly Father everyday for such a beautiful sweet Missy Moo!!!!


Heather said...

Happy Birthday to beautiful Kate!!! I think my favorite memory of you is the first day I met you at church. You had your cute, big round belly and came up to stand in between Manu and Darcy, your tummy was smallest :). To think that was a good 26 months ago... Wow the time is flying by!

Her party sounds like it was perfect! What a great day!

Anne-Marie said...

It was the best kind of birthday party! Very low key but funtimes for the kids! they always love food and balloons...bring on next year!


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