Monday, February 02, 2009

Final Day at the Catlins

Back at camp I was feeding Kate when I felt this terrible pain in my finger. So painful that I screamed and jumped around. Kate was wondering why her milk supply had been cut off so sundenly. Something had stung me it was a bumble bee I've never been stung before and it really really hurt. Dave, Ben and Nicholas could only sit and laugh at me bad mistake boys. Having had very little sleep and it was 30+ temp and no breeze my temper got the better of me, I stung those boys with my words and stormed off with Kate still trying to clutch back onto my breast to finish her "top up". From the tent I could still hear the boys laughing whilst I sulked. There was absolutely no sympathy from the men folk how rude....... Kate looked at me as if to say harden up mum oh and by the way can I finish my drink now. Kate and I managed to fall asleep and awoke just as tea was being prepared by the boys. Dave still with a smirk on his face asked if my finger was ok expecting to see a swollen index finger I looked and saw nothing so why did it hurt so much??? I had absolutely nothing to show for the pain that I had endured what a drama queen!!!!
Being such a hot day the tent seemed stuffy and made sleeping difficult but alas relief came when we heard rain drops and a cool breeze rustling through the tent. Oh no Dave said, packing up the tent in the rain is going to be a blast isn't it? But by morning the rain was gone and sun was beaming down again. Whilst Dave went for his run Ben, Nicholas and myself packed up our camping gear already to go home. I think we were all looking forward to going home well except for Nicholas.
Dave gets back from his run and asks me if it was my car or his car that needed to be registered (the things he thinks about whilst running) I looked on my car oh no it was my car oops registration expired 2 days ago. Husband frowns with disgust and stormed off to the shower. Oh well that's life no worries well just have to drive extra careful to the nearest post shop (Balclutha). We left the Catilins with some good, bad, and ugly memories but overall a good time was had and I am so very grateful that we have such a beautiful country to live in.

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